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Colin Powellの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Colin Powell Success - 2018年2月21日
I got a great success from Colin Powell. Sent a LOR, 1 photo, and SASE. Got back signed. Thanks! To see my other successes, check out http://www.gridironshowcase.weebly.com https://ibb.co/dobr0x Gen. Colin Powell 1317 Ballantrae Farm Rd. McLean, VA 22101-3028

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General Colin Powell Success - 2017年9月20日
I received my photo signed by General Colin Powell. I’ve both that he signs authentically and that he uses an autopen…it looks legit to my untrained eye though. Sent: 5/25/17 Received: 7/22/17 Sent to: Gen. Colin Powell 1317 Ballantrae Farm Dr McLean, VA 22101-3028 http://surfmypictures.com/image/a2ecb16 ... ujawg.html

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Gen. Colin Powell SUCCESS! - 2016年10月11日
I sent a letter, SASE, and photo on May 14th and today I received my photo back signed! The return address was: Gen. Colin L. Powell 909 North Washington Street Suite 700 Alexandria, VA 22314 http://surfmypictures.com/image/285eb3a842b5d91a/woipn.html My first TTM return since July 31st! Feels great to finally receive something!

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Former U.S. Secretary Of State Colin Powell great Success! - 2016年8月3日
On 6/6/2016 I mailed a letter praising Secretary Colin Powell's work with how he inspires me, an essay about President Eisenhower, my story of my life where I dedicated him, and a picture of me as a gift to him at Secretary Colin Powell Member of Advisory Committee c/o Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission 1629 K Street, NW, Suite 801 Washington, D.C. 20006 (took about 9 weeks) On 8/3/2016 I received a nice handwritten message on a picture of him from General Colin L. Powell 909 North Washington Street Suite 700 Alexandria, VA 22314 Here is the link: http://mwinick.blogspot.com/2016/08/for ... colin.html

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Colin Powell success autopen - 2015年3月30日
Sent lette at r picture and sase on 8-10-14, got picture back signed by what looks like autopen but not sure on 3-30-15. Address used: Gen. Colin Powell 1317 Ballantrae farm drive mcLean, VA 22101-3028 You can see all my autographs follow me on Twitter at cavewv

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