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Coronation Streetの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 58ページ):

Jamie Kenna - Success (Coronation Street) - 2022年6月1日
ADDRESS: Coronation Street address Coronation Street ITV Trafford Wharf Road Stretford Manchester Greater Manchester M17 1AU UK DATE SENT REQUEST: 19/05/2022 DATE RECEIVED: 1/06/2022 WHAT DID I SEND: LETTER & 1 PHOTO (HE SIGNED BACK OF MY PHOTO AND SENT ME THIS CARD) http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/qxy9c.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/3305749f6820ee26/d5hwy.html

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William Roache (coronation Street) - 2018年8月4日
Hello, I sent and a SAE (in a larger envelope with a few other letters) to the Coronation Street address and a month , I received a signed cast card from William Roache, who plays Ken Barlow in the show Sent: 4/5/2018 Received: 1/6/2018 Address Used: William Roache C/O: Coronation Street ITV Trafford Wharf Road Stretford Manchester Greater Manchester M17 1AU Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Sally Dynevor (Coronation Street) Success! - 2018年8月4日
Hello, I sent a LOR and a SAE (in a larger envelope with a few other letters) to the Coronation Street address and a couple of months later, I received a signed cast card from Sally Dynevor, who plays Sally Metcalfe in the show Sent: 5/5/2018 Received: 27/6/2018 Address Used: Sally Dynevor C/O: Coronation Street ITV Trafford Wharf Road Stretford Manchester Greater Manchester M17 1AU Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Sally Ann Matthews (Coronation Street) Success! - 2018年8月4日
Hello, sending out my first batch of Coronation Street requests, today I received my first reply from Sally Ann Matthews , who plays Jenny connor in the show. I sent a letter and an SAE to the Coronation Street studio address and received a personally signed cast card and a in just under a week later! Sent: 27/4/2018 Received: 03/05/2018 Address Used: Sally Ann Matthews C/O: Coronation Street ITV Trafford Wharf Road Stretford Manchester Greater Manchester M17 1AU Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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William Roache - Coronation Street - success - 2017年12月9日
I wrote to William Roache. Sent 16th November received a signed photo today. Used the following address :- William Roache Coronation Street ITV Trafford Wharf Road Stretford Manchester Greater Manchester M17 1AU For some strange reason it says Love to Di which isn't my name. I guess that he is busy and that he made a genuine mistake but still I am greatful.

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