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Crystal Yuの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

crystal yu failure - 2024年9月23日
I felt very let down , hopefully she goes to conventions as she was in doctor who , I hope to meet her one day rather than send sci fi autograph requests off and hope for the best

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Crystal Yu (Casualty) Success! - 2017年3月20日
After about a year and a half I received a signed Casualty cast card from Crystal Yu. I used the Casualty address in the database.

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Crystal Yu (Casualty) Success! - 2017年3月18日
Hello, I sent a LOR and an SASE to Crystal Yu (Lily) via the Casualty address and recieved a signed cast card a few months later. Sent: 21/10/2016 Received: 18/3/2017 Address Used: Crystal Yu BBC Wales Casualty Production Office Fan Requests Dept Roath Lock Studios Cardiff Bay CF10 4GA http://surfmypictures.com/image/f4b644dbce334394/jpsau.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/f4b644dbce334394/jpsau/X4ck6caE.jpg-large.jpeg Thank you!

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Crystal Yu (Lily- Casualty) Success - 2015年1月19日
Sent a LOR and a SASE to Crystal around September 2014, received a signed picture on the 18th of January 2015 My first 2015 success <img src= Address used... Crystal Yu "Casualty" Roath Lock Studios Heol Porth Teigr Cardiff Bay Cardiff CF10 4GA UK Picture and envelope ... http://surfmypictures.com/image/ce23b76 ... 7i2tz.html

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Crystal Yu Success! (Casualty, Doctor Lily Chao.) - 2014年5月23日
I sent a letter & SSAE 12th February 2014 received yesterday 22nd May 2014 Address Used Was Crystal Yu BBC Wales Casualty Production Office Fan Requests Dept Roath Lock Studios Cardiff Bay CF10 4GA Picture - I dont have the envelope anymore because it was raining and it was soaked. <img src= But thanks Crystal <img src= Favourite Success Of 2014 Camilla Arfwedson Most Wanted Anna Passey Danny Mac Jeremy Sheffield Holby Cast Present/Past

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