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Curt Chaplinの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Curt Chaplin - Success - 2014年10月15日
On September 5, 2014 I sent an email to Mr. Curt Chaplin, one of the talented stars on "The Peoples Court" at: { Email Address }. Today I received a very nice black and white 8X10 autographed photo of him that he inscribed: thanks for watching. The return address on the envelope is: 300 Stillwater Ave, 2nd Floor Stamford, CT 06902 Thank you very much Mr. Chaplin and "The Peoples Court". - -

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Curt Chaplin Long Awaited Email Success!!!!!!!!! - 2014年2月18日
On May 29, 2013, I sent an email on the official website http://peoplescourt.warnerbros.com/tickets.html of The Peoples Court requesting autograph. 265 days later (today February 18, 2014), I got a personalized photo of Curt Chaplin the shows litigant interviewer (aka "Hallway Guy") -

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