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Cyndi Lauperの直筆サイン入り写真 (14 / 15ページ):

Cyndi Lauper - 2012年3月12日
send on 23/01/12 LOR , SASE and 2 photos . On 12/03/12 I recieved my photos signed <img src= <img src= So What Management 890 West end Avenue # 11 New york , NY 10025 photo: -

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CYNDI LAUPER - Success - 2012年3月3日
Sent in September 2011. Received today. Used address in database. Cyndi Lauper So What Arts Management and Media, Inc. 890 West End Avenue Suite 1A New York, NY 10025-3520 USA -

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Cyndi Lauper - 2012年2月20日
Sent to Cyndi Lauper on November 7, 2011 Response on February 18, 2012 (102 days) Used address in data base So What Arts Management and Media Inc 890 West End Avenue Suite 1A New York, NY 10025-3520

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Cyndi Lauper Success - 2011年12月22日
I sent Cyndi Lauper a fan letter, an 8x10, and a SASE to: Cyndi Lauper 890 West End Ave. #1A New York, NY 10025 I received the photo back signed about two months later. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/263/cyndil.jpg/

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Cyndi Lauper success - 2011年9月21日
Lauper, Cyndi 80’s pop musician Address: Cyndi Lauper So What Arts and Media, Inc. 890 West End Avenue Suite 1A New York, New York 10025-3520 Sent: LOR, 4x6 color picture, SASE on July 29, 2011 Received: my 4x6 signed, black and white 8x10 signed, cardboard added. Received Sept. 19, 2011. - - -

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