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Dakota Fanningの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 30ページ):

Dakota Fanning & Elle Fanning TTM - 2015年1月21日
I sent SASE & 3 Photos & Letter - 29 Oct.2014 Recived (in my envelope and autograph on my photos) : 20 Jan.2015 Address which I used: Dakota and Elle Fanning Echo Lake Productions 421 South Beverly Drive 6th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212-4408 USA [us<!-- s[us --> 

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Dakota Fanning and Elle Fanning success - 2015年1月20日
Hi <img src= Sent: a LOR, SAE, 1 IRC + 3 photos to Dakota and Elle Fanning on 12/15/14. Received: my 3 pictures signed on 01/20/15 Address used: Echo Lake Productions 421 South Beverly Drive 6th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Pic+envelope: - - They are unfortunately not personalized but its better than no answer at all <img src=

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Elle Fanning & Dakota Fanning success!! - 2015年1月19日
Sent: LOR, SASE, two 4x6s to Elle Fanning (one photo of just her, one of both sisters). I had seen a success previously where Elle had also had Dakota sign the photo, so I asked for that as well. Sent 8/7/14 to the address in the database. Received: Both photos signed and personalized on 1/10/15. Gorgeous, talented, and also so sweet to their fans to be willing to give each other fan mail to sign. <img src= - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Dakota Fanning - 2015年1月12日
SENT: 8/8/14 RCVD: 1/12/15 PHOTOS: - ADDRESS: c/o Echo Lake Management 421 S. Beverly Dr. 8th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA

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Dakota Fanning success - 2015年1月12日
Sent one picture letter and SASE on 8-10-14. Got my picture back signed and personalized plus another picture she sent signed and personalized on 1-12-15. Address used: Dakota fanning echo lake productions 421 south Beverly drive 6th floor Beverly hills, CA 90212 you can see all our autographs follow me on twitter at cavewv -

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