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Dallas Mavericksの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 14ページ):

Dirk Nowitzki (Dallas Mavericks) success!!! - 2012年11月6日
On 9/24/2012 I sent a photo, letter and SASE to Dirk Nowitzki at the Dallas Mavs address. On 10/19/2012 I received the photo back signed. Nice success! -

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Dirk Nowitzki (Dallas Mavericks) - 2012年9月4日
Sent Dirk Nowitzki a LOR only c/o Dallas Mavericks. Received a signed 8x10 19 days later. -

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Dirk Nowitzki Success!!! (Dallas Mavericks) - 2012年8月6日
Hello Fanmail.biz 8) Today I had quite a suprise in the mailbox. On July 21st, I sent a LOR, & a Card to Dirk Nowitzki the star of the Dallas Mavericks. In 16 days, August 6th, I recieved the Card back autographed. I sent to: Dirk Nowitzki 2909 Taylor Street Dallas, Texas 75226 Sorry, no scans

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Dallas Mavericks coach Rick Carlisle success - 2012年7月7日
Sent letter and large SASE on 6/30/12 to: Rick Carlisle Dallas Mavericks 2500 Victory Ln Dallas TX 75219 rcvd 4x6 signed color photo on 7/6/12 envelope blank except for my SASE http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/carlisle.jpg

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Dirk Nowitzki success (Dallas Mavericks) - 2012年6月27日
I got a success from Dirk a few days ago, and it only took 14 Days! A great return from a future hall of famer, and if anyone else wants to try him, he signs everything as long as it has proper return postage. I only sent one item, and this was because he only signs one per request. Address used: Dirk Nowitzki c/o Dallas Mavericks 2500 Victory Avenue Dallas, TX 75219 Sent: 6/11/2012 Recieved: 6/25/2012

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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