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Dan Dotsonの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

Dan Dotson and Laura Dotson E-mail Success! - 2012年8月17日
I sent them an email http://www.americanauctioneers.com/company/contact.php on Tuesday, and today received a signed picture in my mailbox! I love Storage Wars so this is really cool! Picture (5x7) - Envelope -

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Dan Dotson & Laura Dotson storage wars autographed goodies - 2012年8月15日
I couldnt not belive i had 3 successes today 1 was my Storage wars signed goodies from american auctioneers. Sent:Aug 6th What:An Email to Paytheladylaura.com recieved: 15th august what: 2 Pens 4 signed pics (2 small 2 A4 size) 2 letter openers and a American auctioneers business card. Time took: 9 days Return address: American Auctioneers po box 559 home land ca 925718 I first sent an Email 6 weeks ago and that never showed up so i sent another 4 weeks ago and that also never showed up i guess 3rd time lucky. Michelle (who deals with mailing) was very understanding and helpfull letting me know when she had posted ect. -

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Dan Dotson and Laura Dotson SUCCESS - 2012年8月14日
I sent an e-mail to American Auctioneers. Go to their website ( americanauctioneers.com), click "Contact Us", write in e-mail and someone will reply to you. I sent the e-mail on: Aug. 8, 2012 Recieved: Aug. 13, 2012! - is where the picture is ! Comments of authenticity are welcome!! Thanks so much, CRAZYGIRL77

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Dan Dotson and Laura Dotson (Storage Wars) Success - 2012年8月10日
Dan and Laura Dotson (Storage Wars) Sent an email http://www.americanauctioneers.com/ got it in 2 days! -

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Fantastic Storage Wars Success (Dan Dotson/Laura Dotson) - 2012年8月8日
Hello, today I recieved an amazing success from American Auctioneers/ storage wars. I sent a long email to them http://www.americanauctioneers.com/ as I absolutely LOVE storage wars! I kindly requested an autograph on the 29th July. I got an email from Michelle asking what size hoodie I wear and today 8th August I got an amazing package. I recieved: An American auctioneers hoodie, Pen, two box openers and a signed photo. I am so happy with this success, I have emailed them again just to say thank you for their kindness. Photo of items recieved: - Envelope, it cost $10 for them to send it!!! -

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