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Dana Perinoの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Dana Perino Success - 2019年10月5日
Mailed LOR, SASE, and 8x10 photo to Ms. Perino at the database address on 8/19/19; received my photo back signed with a cool inscription on 9/3/19. Nice, quick turnaround, and a great addition to my political collection. Dana Perino Fox News 1211 Avenue of the Americas 18th Floor New York, NY 10036 USA

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Dana Perino Fox News - 2019年8月14日
Dana Marie Perino (born May 9, 1972) is an American political commentator and author who served as the twenty-fourth White House Press Secretary, serving under President George W. Bush from September 14, 2007, to January 20, 2009. She was the second female White House Press Secretary, after Dee Dee Myers, who served during the Clinton Administration. She is currently a political commentator for Fox News, while also serving as a co-host of the network's talk show The Five, and is a book publishing executive at Random House. On October 2, 2017, she began hosting The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino on Fox News. Sent Ms Perino her book "Let Me Tell You About Jasper" and a photo on 25 Jul and got them back signed on 14 Aug. Ms. Dana Perino Fox News 1211 Avenue of the Americas 18th Floor New York, NY 10036

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Dana Perino Fox News success - 2015年3月17日
1211 6th ave. 18th floor New York, NY. 10036 Dana Perino: 27th White House Press secretary and current Fox News Anchor. Sent for 11-17-14 Rec: 3-17-15 4 months exactly to get Dana (and Jasper's) autograph. I sent a LOR, a 5x7 and a SASE. Unfortunately her writing was smeared slightly but am still glad to hear back from her.

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