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Dani Kingの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Dani King SUCCESS - TeamGB Olympic Gold - 2012年11月22日
Sent 11/11/12, Received 22/11/12 via M2 Management Gold Winning Cyclist from London 2012 Olympics Having met Dani at the weekend, I was delighted to get a response from her, presumably she must have picked up her mail upon her return from Glasgow and the Track World Cup (check the In Person forum for my feedback there!), and received the following... 2 x signed Xmas Cards 2 x Signed London 2012 Logo Photos with Gold Medal details added 4 x Signed photos (which she provided) Pic on my Olympic Page >> (it's at the bottom, so please scroll down the page to see it) Another awesome success from the Olympics RM

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Dani King Email Success - 2012年10月26日
I sent an email on the 21 Oct 2012 I recieved a photo on the 26 Oct 2012 I think its authentic - - MORE TO COME! Feel free to comment

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Dani King - Olympic Team GB Cyclist - Email Success - 2012年10月11日
My second Olympic Team GB signature after my great Louis Smith success... viewtopic.php?f=2&t=270463 Danielle Dani King is the current World an Olympic Champion in the Team Pursuit. - Sent: Email via her official website http://www.daniking.co.uk/contact/ requesting autograph on September 21st Received: Autographed postcard on October 11th (20 Days) -

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Dani King (Team GB Cyclist) SUCCESS! - 2012年9月20日
I sent an email to the address on her website http://www.daniking.co.uk/contact/ on 28th August 2012 and today (20th sept.) i recieved a reply!! <img src= Picture and envelope: - Im sssssssoooooooo happy about this success and its another great addition to my Team GB collection!

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