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Daniel Radcliffeの直筆サイン入り写真 (10 / 12ページ):

Daniel Radcliffe success (PP) - 2012年3月30日
Sent: 23 Feb 2012 - letter, 5x7, 5.25x7.25 SAE and postage, all in 5.5x8.5 envelope Received: 29 Mar 2012 - pre-print 8x10 and original (unsigned) 5x7 in larger 9x13 envelope Address Used: Daniel Radcliffe ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK [Address from database. - - (originally sent, unsigned) - Edit: Pre-print - but regardless, it is a response (and a quick one). <img src=

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Daniel Radcliffe Success!! - 2012年3月28日
heyy Daniel Radcliffe is one of my most wanted and i recieved his autograph yesterday <img src= i sent my picture and SAE to daniel radcliffe on the 2/4/12 and recieved a diferent picture signed on the 3/28/12 <img src= address used was: Daniel Radcliffe ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK not sure if it is real or a PP what do you think? -

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Daniel Radcliffe success!! - 2012年2月24日
Address used: Daniel Radcliffe ARG 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK Sent: 11th January 2012 Received: 20th February 2012 - Im happyyyy <img src= <img src= <img src=

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Daniel Radcliffe Success - 2012年2月19日
SENT : 5th January 2012 RETURN : 18th February 2012 So happy with this I have a feeling it may be a PP but i couldnt care i adore him too much ;D I used this address : Daniel Radcliffe Arg 4 Great Portland Street London W1W 8PA UK PHOTO : -

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Daniel Radcliffe - 2012年2月7日
Send: SAE, letter Received: Signed photo Wait: 1 month Used adress in database. Photo: http://evade-autografy.blogspot.com/201 ... aniel.html Sorry, no envelope <img src=

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