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Danielle Fishelの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

Danielle Fishel Success, Actress (Via Venue) - 2016年7月22日
Heute Neu: Danielle Fishel „Girl Meets World – Season 3“, Los Angeles Center Studios, 1201 W. 5 th St., Suite T-400, Los Angeles, CA 90017. USA 2 mitgeschickte Fotos signiert mit Widmung 20.06.2016 - 22.07.2016

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Danielle Fishel Success! - 2015年11月5日
Sorry all. Been busy with moving and all, so got this in the mail before I left my old place. Sent letter, Pic and SASE to Danielle Fishel "Girl Meets World - Season 3" Los Angeles Center Studios 1201 W. 5th St. Suite T-400 Los Angeles, CA 90017 USA and received this pic back about three weeks ago.

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Danielle Fishel - Girl Meets World Success! - 2015年8月24日
Took a while off from sending out TTMs but wanted to give this a shot. One of my favorite TV shows growing up was Boy Meets World so when they came out with the spinoff "Girl Meets World I thought this might be my best chance to get some more of the cast. On 6/16/2015 I sent out a request, a photo and a sase to Danielle Fishel to the Girl Meets World address in the database. Today I received a different photo sent back to me along with a preprint cast photo of Girl Meets World in my sase! They did write "For Rick" on the pre print My original photo I sent her was of her Maxim shoot so perhaps she doesn't want to sign these through this show. My photo also wasn't returned at all. Sent: 6/16/15 Received: 8/24/15 Address Used: Danielle Fishel c/o Girl Meets World 1201 West Fifth St. Los Angeles, CA 90017 Photo of Danielle signed pic: Photo of Preprint: Photo of Envelope:

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Girl Meets World Success (Ben Savage & Danielle Fishel) - 2015年8月24日
Hi everyone, I sent a SASE LOR to Ben Savage's Address that someone else had success using on here and I sent a request for 3 autographs. I'm crazy right? I figured that I may have more luck writing Ben for some reason, so I sent my letter actually to the entire GMW cast requesting for an autograph and sharing that I'm a fan. I also asked at the very end if there was any possible way that I could please have Ben & Danielle's autograph because I am a big fan of Cory & Topanga. I sent mailed this out on July 28th, 2015. Today on August 24th, 2015 I got a big suprise in the mail. I litereally did not expect to have such a great success but I guess I lucked out. I recieved an individual autograph of Ben Savage, an individual autograph of Danielle Fishel and a cast preprint of Girl Meets Worls. It is awesome!! I just wanted to share it with you all! Ben's Autograh: Danielle's Autograph: GMW Cast Autograph (Pre-Print): Envelope: Here is the address that is on the envelope that was sent to me: Here is the address that I used: Ben Savage "Girl Meets World" Los Angeles Center Studios 1201 W. Fifth St. Los Angeles, CA 90017

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Danielle Fishel RTS - 2015年2月11日
I received a Danielle RTS yesterday. I sent to the Girl Meets World address in the database. I'll post a picture of it asap, but it said "unable to forward."

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