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Darren Shanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

DARREN SHAN - is an Irish author - 2015年12月11日
sending photos and SAE Sent 2015/06/26 Rcvd 2015/12/11 c/o Paul Kenny Rahina, Clarina, County Limerick, Ireland

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Personalised success from Darren Shan - 2015年10月2日
My absolute favourite author collected every single of his books so was so thrilled when I got a response Sent: 19/4/15 Received: 18/5/15 Via: Paul Kenny Rahina Clarina County Limerick Ireland http://surfmypictures.com/image/7279bc6 ... 7zz95.html

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Darren Shan success! - 2012年6月15日
I completely forgot Id sent him something, now I have an IP autograph and a letter from him! Sent a letter and SAE with money for stamps on 27/2/12 (although he ended up not using either, sending his own handwritten envelope and my money back) Darren Shan, c/o Paul Kenny, Rahina, Clarina, County Limerick, Ireland. Letter; http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/2690/img3686wu.jpg Envelope; http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/3425/img3687dn.jpg

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Darren Shan (Author-Cirque Du Freak) SUCCESS - 2011年11月12日
Im so happy to get this one back!! I sent him a picture and a bookplate and he signed both and wrote back a note to me. <img src= Sent: July 7, 2011 Received: Today Address Used: c/o Paul Kenny Rahina, Clarina, County Limerick, Ireland Scans: - -

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