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Dave Blamyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Dave Blamy (Mandie & the Secret tunnel) unexpected success!! - 2011年8月4日
Wow, surprise success from Actor Dave Blamy today! <img src= Didn’t expect to get a reply from him!! Sent Dave an email via his official website back in January and told how much I enjoyed his role in ‘Mandie and the Secret Tunnel’ and asked if he happened to have any photos he could send out for the cast project I’m working on. Figured since he never replied back to my email that he either didn’t have any or never got my message, but today I received an 8x10 photo personalized and signed as requested!! <img src= Thanks so much Dave!! Envelope: - 8x10 signed Photo: - Sent: January 20th 2011 Replied: August 4th 2011 Days Taken: 197 Address used: (Private, but posting his snail mail address from his site) Dave Blamy C/o Artists Resource Agency, Inc. 174 Hunters Glen Drive Summerfield, NC 27358 USA RYAN-J 8)<!-- s8) --></td><tr><td style=

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