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Dave Legenoの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Dave Legeno (Fenrir Greyback - HP) RTS and new address - 2014年1月27日
I sent LOR, trading card, DVD cover and SAE. Received RTS. Sent: 12 November 2013 Received: 09 January 2014 Address used: Dave Legeno Waring and McKenna 44 Maiden Lane Covent Garden London WC2E 7LN UK New address: Dave Legeno 42 Lynton Road Chesham Buckinghamshire HP5 2BT UK

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Dave Legeno - 2013年10月14日
I don't remember when I sent it, but it took under a month! 2 pictures personalized to me. Pics are on my instagram, at aut0graph_c0llector. Address: Dave Legeno Waring and McKenna 44 Maiden Lane Covent Garden London WC2E 7LN UK

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Dave Legeno (HP's Fenrir Greyback) RTS x2 - 2012年10月9日
On July 2, 2012, I wrote Dave Legeno (HP's Fenrir Greyback) with a TTM autograph request, sending SAE, $2 USD for return postage, and a single 3x5 for signing. Got my letter back today, Oct. 9, 2012, marked RTS. My letter was forwarded to a different address, and THAT was RTS. I'll list both below. Question.......does anyone know of his current fanmail address? I still want to write him. Please advise. THANKS! Dave Legeno c/o Waring and McKenna 44 Maiden Lane London WC2E 7LN UK (address on fanmail.biz site) RTS Dave Legeno 42 Lynton Road Chesham Bucks UK (forwarding address) RTS

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Dave Legeno (Harry Potter) Success - 2012年6月19日
I sent LOR, SAE, photo and postcard with wolf. Received my postcard signed in my SAE. Sent: 26 March 2012 Received: 18 June 2012 Address used: Dave Legeno Waring and McKenna 44 Maiden Lane Covent Garden London WC2E 7LN UK - -

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Dave Legeno (Harry Potter) SUCCESS - 2012年5月31日
Back in November, I sent Dave (who plays Fenrir Greyback in harry potter) a 4x6 picture, index card, LOR and SAE. After a pretty good wait, I got both the pic and notecard back signed and personalized... and what an interesting signature he has lol. Anyways though, very pleased with another solid HP return. I used the address in database. Dave Legeno Waring and McKenna 44 Maiden Lane Covent Garden London WC2E 7LN UK Sent: 11/4/11 Received: 5/31/12 Pic: Notecard: No envelope

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