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David Baldacciの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

David Baldacci Success - 2013年2月28日
Sent January 2013 http://davidbaldacci.com/ | Received February 2013 Return Address: - Picture + Cute Envelope + 2 Bookmarks -

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david baldacci - 2012年12月13日
Hi all, sent email via his website on nov 12 2012 received bookmark and signed bookplate on dec 12 2012 my favorite writer -

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David Baldacci bookplate success - 2012年6月21日
Hi, I sent an email thru his website contact us About a week later, 3 personalized signed bookplates showed up in his own envelope. Really happy about this success. He is one of my favorite authors. This is my first bookplate success. I was wondering if it is better or not to attach the bookplate to the book. Also, what is the best way to attach the bookplate to each book. Please leave any comments or opinions. All are welcome. Thanks -Redsox9

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David Baldacci success - 2011年11月17日
A nice success today from one of my favorite authors. On 10-11-11 i sent a SASE and LOR to Mr. Baldacci requesting a couple bookplates and today (11-17-11) i received in my SASE 2 signed bookplates, a flyer, and a book mark. I used the address in the database. no scanner

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