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David Cameronの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

David Cameron Success - 2015年10月3日
I sent a letter and photo to 10 Downing Street on 23/07/2015, I received it back signed and personalised on 02/10/2015 Check out my website and give my facebook page a like. https://www.facebook.com/Ryans-Autograph-Collection-852829091451560/timeline http://ryansautographs.weebly.com

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David Cameron Success - 2015年7月17日
I sent a letter of request to David Cameron on the 8/7/15. Today 17/7/15 I received a Print Signed Photo. I am really happy to add this to my collection. http://surfmypictures.com/image/919ec69 ... 8o6po.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/919ec69 ... 4memy.html

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David Cameron (PM) - UNIQUE! - 2012年10月4日
In the post recently I got a personal letter from the British Prime Minister, David Cameron. It thanked me for my hard work during the Olympics held recently in London, saying that without me the Olympics wouldnt have been a success. I agree with his sentiments. Anyways, theres no sent date, as he sent it to me from the kindness of his own heart, but Robert DeNiros birthday is August 17th so lets say then. He lives on Downing Street, the letter even has his address, so thats where to write to if you agree that I was a priceless addition to the Olympics. Heres a pic.. Ive blacked out my home address, for obvious reasons. I dont need fanmail, Im not Ryan J. Although if youd like my autograph (afterall I did appear in the Olympics Opening Ceremony, I have proof!) then email { Email Address } - James <img src=

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