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David Dickinsonの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

David Dickinson success - 2015年9月23日
I sent a letter and SAE to David on: 6th June 2015, and on the 11th June 2015, I received these 2 signed and personalized photos from him. address I used was: David Dickinson, c/o Billy Marsh Associates, 4a, Exmoor Street, London W10 6BD Here are the pics:

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Lorne Dickinson failure but great success (David Dickinson) - 2015年6月2日
I sent a letter and SAE to Lorne on: 9th April 2015, and a month later, I received this signed photo from David and Lorne Dickinson, plus a note on the back saying that Lorne doesn't have a current photo, still really happy. address I used was: Lorne Dickinson, c/o Billy Marsh Associates, 4a, Exmoor Street, London W10 6BD Here are the pics:

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David Dickinson success - 2015年3月31日
I sent a letter and SAE to David on: 8th February 2015, and a month ago I recieved this signed and personalized photo back. <img src= address I used was: David Dickinson, Billy Marsh Associates, 4th Floor, 158-160, North Gower Street, London NW1 2ND Here is the pic:

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David Dickinson success - 2011年11月1日
I sent a letter and SAE to David on: 11th October 2011, and today I recieved this signed and personaized photo back. <img src= address I used was: David Dickinson, c/o Billy Marsh Associates, 76a, Grove End Road, St Johns Wood, London NW8 9ND Here is the pic: -

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David Dickinson success - 2011年10月10日
Sent 31st August 2011 Recd 4th October 2011 I sent a LOR & SAE to C/o Billy Marsh Associates 76a Grove End Road St Johns Wood London NW8 9ND and received a personalised signed photo (see below) http://i1188.photobucket.com/albums/z40 ... C14573.jpg

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