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David Eigenbergの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

SENT SASE + 2 PHOTOS ON 20/10/2018 RECEIVED BACK 1 PHOTO SIGNED SENT TO : Mr. David Eigenberg Chicago Fire c/o Cinespace Chicago Films Studio 2621 W. 15th Place Chicago, IL 60608 http://surfmypictures.com/image/6b0fed67bd9c8ead/m4b1b.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/6b0fed67bd9c8ead/if9f0.html

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David Eigenberg Chicago Fire Season Awesome Success! - 2018年4月2日
David Eigenberg plays as Firefighter Christopher Herrmann on Chicago Fire. On 11/05/2016 I mailed a letter explaining how I find the Chicago Fire including the rest of Chicago series to be very inspiring to me, a picture of me, and an SASE Envelope to Mr. David Eigenberg Chicago Fire Season 5 c/o Cinespace Chicago Films Studio 2621 W. 15th Place Chicago, IL 60608 (took about 2 years) On 4/02/2018 I received a personalize message on a picture of him and a handwritten letter. Here is the link: http://www.mattsletters.com/2018/04/mr- ... -fire.html http://surfmypictures.com/image/0f0e18ee5ebb4091/l7kb2.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/0f0e18ee5ebb4091/l7kb2/David_Eigenberg_Chicago_Fire_2.jpeg http://surfmypictures.com/image/0f0e18ee5ebb4091/lk995.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/0f0e18ee5ebb4091/lk995/David_Eigenberg_Chicago_Fire_1.jpeg http://surfmypictures.com/image/0f0e18ee5ebb4091/395fg.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/0f0e18ee5ebb4091/395fg/IMG_1765.jpg

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David Eigenberg Success (AGAIN)!!! - 2016年4月26日
So i had forgotten that I had sent 2 letters to David at both the Chicago Fire set and his home address. I got one back on January 19th and received another one, a card from David, today on 4/26/16. Sent both letters on 1/9/16. Not sure which one both of them came back as. Neither envelopes had no return address., Guessing the one i got today is from his home address and the one i got in January is from the Chicago Fire set. Photo: http://surfmypictures.com/image/2dac89b ... qr78y.html

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David Eigenberg - Chicago Fire - 2016年4月25日
Sent LOR and self-addressed stamped envelope on January 18th, 2016. On April 25th, 2016 I received this fantastic 8 x 10 autographed photo from Mr. Eigenberg. Super excited as I'm a huge fan of Chicago Fire. Address in database used. David Eigenberg "Chicago Fire - Season 4" Cinespace Chicago Film Studios 2621 W. 15th Place Chicago, IL 60608 USA Please see below for link to photo :

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David Eigenberg Success!!! - 2016年1月19日
Ive received an autographed photo David Eigenberg ! I was so excited to get this today Very fast reply too! Sent to David at both Chicago Fire set and his home address on 1/9/16, received a reply today, 1/19/16. No return address on envelope so not sure which one it came back from. Chicago Fire (plus the same address used for Chicago PD and Chicago Med) set address is: "Chicago Fire" Cinespace Chicago Film Studios 2621 west 15th place Chicago, IL 60608 USA David's home address is private. photo: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php? ... 6210459287

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