Wrestler David Flair Successful - 2016年12月1日 Used the address listed on here with a SASE. Sent him five 4x6 photos, two weeks ago. Received back today, four of them autographed and the other was stuck back to back, unsigned. Very happy to get this, thanks again guys.
Wrestler David Flair Successful - 2016年10月12日 I used the listed address on here. I sent David 2 wrestling cards with a SASE. He sent back 1 autographed and kept 1. Still happy to get it.
David Flair wrestling success - 2015年9月9日 On the 8th September i received an autograph of former wcw Superstar and son of the Nature Boy Ric Flair David Flair. He signed a photo for me.
Sent out: 08/24/15
received: 09/08/15
Seal Wire Company
Attn.: David Fliehr
658 Washburn Switch Road
Shelby NC 28150