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David Heymanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

David Heyman the Producer from Harry Potter Movies - 2012年7月29日
The fourth Harry Potter Success in this month...!!! David Heyman Adresse from the Database Send LOR, SASE, three 20x30 cm 12.07.12 - 26.07.12 I get all signed back and a very nice and personalized Letter. Dennis

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David Heyman (HP Producer) - 2012年7月17日
I sent: LoR, 2 Photos, 1 Movie Poster and SASE to his companys address Heyday Films on June 12th and recieved them back today all signed and a letter. Hes produced some awesome films and without him the Harry Potter Films probably wouldnt have been made, or have been successful as they were <img src= http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0382268 - - - - -

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David Heyman (Producer of all 8 HP movies) x2 + letter - 2012年6月26日
On the 5th of April I sent a LOR, SASE and 2 photos to David and today I received my 2 photos back signed and personalised, with one of the photos having a very nice inscription, along with a very nice letter too. He bought the rights for the Harry Potter films and has made HP what it is today! He produced every signle movie! Hes also produced films such as "I am Legend", "Yes Man" and "Boy in the Striped Pyjamas". My 100th HP autograph from 49 of the cast! 8)<!-- s8) --> 

David Heyman
5 Denmark Street

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david heyman success - 2011年10月5日
About 3 weeks ago I sent a photo a and letter to david heyman using the address in the previous success And I got a poast card with a letter on it and my photo signed (he put to sarah and my name is ella?!?!?!) Quick success and really happy with the letter

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David Heyman (Harry Potter) success!! - 2011年5月30日
Sent a letter to David Heyman on the 20th of May, received his reply today (2011-05-30). Got a picture with the autographs of the three leads and a handwritten letter by Heyman himself^^ - - -

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