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David Jasonの直筆サイン入り写真 (4 / 6ページ):

David jason success. - 2015年1月29日
I sent an email to David Jason's casting agent and got a reply this morning that they are sending me a signed picture although it is pretty printed I don't mind for a very first attempt shoud be here in a few days. Want to try and get my David Jason my life autobiography signed but they said he was signing personally through them at the minute might try and post it to the BBC.

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sir david jason success - 2014年11月5日
used the address David Jason The Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3 De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London, W1W 6XD UK sent my previous signed photo of nicolas an john to the address in database with a nice hand written letter to david jason on the 11ths of august 2014 and received my photo signed and now completed by david jason back on 5th nov 2014 very happy click on link to view photo http://surfmypictures.com/image/3bc99a3 ... 8mxw0.html

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Sir David Jason - MEGA Success - 2014年8月11日
Sent 7/3/14, Received 11/8/14 sent via Richard Stone Partnership, London WOW! We all know how tough it is to get Sir David to sign items authentically... I have tried several times TTM and received the standard PPs every time. I was absolutely delighted to receive the following authentic items from DelBoy this morning. 2 x signed Xmas Cards, both with "cushty!" added above his signature. 2 x signed white 8x5 cards with massive signature. Can't believe I managed to get FOUR authentic autographs from an absolute legend. I already have an opening bid of £75 in for one of the Xmas Cards, anyone fancy topping that? All proceeds going to Maggie's Centres <img src= Pic here >>> http://one4themoney.wordpress.com/2014/ ... ly-jubbly/ (DO NOT UPLOAD MY IMAGES TO HERE WITH A HOSTING SITE, YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO DO SO, THE IMAGES ARE MINE)

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David Jason pre-print success - 2014年3月15日
Sent: 15th February 2014 Recd: 22nd February 2014 I sent a LOR & SAE to: The Richard Stone Partnership Suite 3 De Walden Court 85 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6XD and received a pre-print photo and a personalised letter explaining that due to his current commitments hes unable to personally sign anything at the moment (see link below) -

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Sir David Jason Q+A success - 2014年1月6日
I sent a letter asking some questions, and SAE to Sir David on: 17th December 2013, and on Saturday I recieved my Q+A back answered, plus signed pp photo and compliments slip back from him also. <img src= address I used was: Sir David Jason, c/o Richard Stone Partnership, Suite 3, 85, New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6XD Here are the pics: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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