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Dayo Okeniyiの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Dayo Okeniyi Success - 2012年11月10日
Today I received one of my best successes yet! I sent Dayo Okeniyi(Slew Hampshire, Hunger Games) two pictures, a LOR, a SASE and a short Q&A. He sent me the two pictures and the answered Q&A back in my SASE. He personalized the two pictures to me along with XOXO and a smiley face . Sent: September 10th Received: November 10th Took: 2 months I'm having problems uploading pictures now. I'll try to get them uploaded in the comments here later!

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Dayo Okeniyi success (The Hunger Games) - 2012年11月10日
Sent 8/20/12; Received 11/9/12 Dayo Okeniyi Sweeney Entertainment 6253 Hollywood Blvd Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90028 I sent LOR, SASE, and my 2 trading cards. -

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Dayo Okeniyi success - THG - 2012年7月9日
Sent: SASE, LOR, Index Card and 2 6x4 photograph on 25 April 2012 Received: My photographs and index card signed, Q+A answered and in my envelope on 7 July 2012 Address used: Dayo Okeniyi Sweeney Entertainment 6253 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 201 Los Angeles CA, 90028 Photo 1: http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh5 ... img270.jpg Photo 2: http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh5 ... img265.jpg Index Card: http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh5 ... img268.jpg Q+A: http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh5 ... img269.jpg Envelope: http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh5 ... keniyi.jpg (I think my envelope can be seen in il0veseamushps post from Dayo)

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Dayo Okeniyi - The Hunger Games Success! - 2012年7月7日
The 7th day into July I finally get my first success for the month! Dayo Okeniyi played District 11 Male Tribute, Thresh in The Hunger Games. I was debating if to buy this autograph at the Hunger Games convention Last month in Chicago. But I never found anyone that was attending the convention to actually help me out and get me the autograph. Which now Im glad I didnt. On July 3 Dayo posted this picture on his twitter of him answering fan mail. So I knew I’d be finally getting a response soon enough. - And I was right! I got the envelop today 4 days later! Only thing that sucks is that the Post Office didnt give a crap about the “please do not bend” on the envelop and they just threw it around by the looks of it. The 2nd picture I provided is the back of the picture and you can see how banged up it got. But either way Im glad I got it. Sent: March/April 2012 Received: July 7, 2012 took: 2-3 months address used: Dayo Okeniyi C/o Sweeney Entertainment ATTN: Kanica Suy 6253 Hollywood Blvd. Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90028 USA - -

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Dayo Okeniyi (Hunger Games) success - 2012年2月28日
Got my custom card back signed for my daughter. Mailed 12/12/11...Recv.2/28/12 Mailed to:Sweeney Entertainment 6253 Hollywood Blvd Ste 201 Los Angeles, CA 90028 -

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