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Debi Derryberryの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Debi Derryberry (Jimmy Neutron) Success!! - 2011年10月7日
Purchased this from her website (debiderryberry.com) for only $6.00 on 10/4 and recieved 8x10 on 10/7!! Wish more celebrities would do it this way. <img src= Photo: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/32/auto14.jpg/

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Debi Derryberry - Old. - 2011年7月8日
Contacted her through ; http://www.debiderryberry.com/contacts She sent me a signed 8x10 and a signed Jimmy Neutron Script by the whole cast, pretty much. =) Photos: - - No envelope ; sorry - but I am sure you can still contact her through her webpage!

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