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Deena Freemanの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Deena Freeman - Success (second and very appreciated) - 2014年10月21日
On 9-15-14 I sent Ms. Freeman an LOR and an SASE to: 9190 W Olympic Blvd, Suite 363 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 And on 9-23-14 I received a lovely autograph from her. Today I received a second autographed photo from her that was personalized to me. (I did not contact Ms. Freeman a second time so this was a totally unexpected surprise and very appreciated.) It is a very pretty picture of her with the inscription: Thank you for the lovely letter! I wish you all the best!!

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Deena Freeman - Success - 2014年9月24日
On Sept. 15, 2014 I sent Ms. Deena Freeman an LOR and an SASE to: 9190 W Olympic Blvd, Suite 363 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 And today I received a very nice color 8X10 photo that she personalized and inscribed: Thank you for your very sweet letter!! Wishing you health and happiness, Deena Freeman.

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