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Dennis DeYoungの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Dennis DeYoung TTM success - 2014年6月4日
Hey everyone. Its been a while since Ive posted here but lifes been filled with work. However I have been getting my fair share of TTMs in the mail and the other day was no different. Monday I went out to the mailbox and found a letter addressed to myself. I opened it up and inside were my two pictures I sent out to former Styx front man Dennis DeYoung exactly two months ago. Both were signed and personalized. I couldnt be more thrilled. Im a huge Styx fan and Dennis is an awesome singer. Im sending out more mail today so this should be a great new chapter in my collecting life style. The pictures are down below. And for all those who are wondering, yes...I did use the address in the database. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10201209897168407&set=a.4866478958739.1073741827.1800244003&type=1&theater - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Dennis DeYoung Styx Success - 2012年10月31日
Sent two pics, LOR, and SASE on oct. 3. got them today, both signed and personalized. Dennis DeYoung Babe, Inc. 15941 S. Harlem Avenue Suite 268 Tinley Park, IL 60477-1609 USA -

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Dennis DeYoung (Styx) Great Success! - 2012年10月13日
On August 8th I sent Dennis DeYoung, the former singer and Keyboardist for the band Styx, 4 record jackets to be signed. I sent them in a record mailer with 6 dollars in cash to use as return postage on the same box. On October 11th I recieved all 4 record jackets (Grand Illusion, Pieces of Eight, Paradise Theatre, and Kilroy is Here) back signed and personalized in the box I sent them in. I was so happy to get these! Styx is one of my favorite bands and I am seeing the current lineup for my 4th time this december and I hope to be able to add Tommy, and JY to a couple of these. Sent to the address in the database. I may upload some pics later, but I haven't had time to take any yet.

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