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Denny Zagerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Denny Zager RTS - 2018年9月30日
Sadly a RTS from guitarist Denny Zager. Used the 1875 High Street. Lincoln .NE address as in the database. Yellow sticker says RTS. Not deliverable as addressed. Unable to forward. Sorry no scanner.

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Denny Zager Singer - 2018年7月30日
Zager and Evans was a US rock-pop duo of the late 1960s and early 1970s named after its two members, Denny Zager (born 1944, Wymore, Nebraska) and Rick Evans (born 1943, Lincoln, Nebraska). They are best known for their 1969 hit single "In the Year 2525", and the fact that they never had another national hit record again. Denny Zager and Rich Evans met at Nebraska Wesleyan University, in 1962. They were joined by drummer Danny Schindler (later of the Benders) in the Nebraska band the Eccentrics, until Schindler's tour of Vietnam in 1965. Evans also left in 1965, and reunited with Zager in 1968. Sent him 2 photos on 4 Jun and got back signed on 30 Jul [youtube_Uw7phR9ucA[/youtube [youtubeiVWLFd-3XV8[/youtube Mr Denny Zager c/o Zager Guitars International, Inc. 1875 High St Lincoln, NE 68502-4824

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Denny Zager Singer Songwriter RTS - 2018年3月19日
Sent to Mr Zager and got my letter back with Return to Sender on my envelope.. Thank you Post Office.. Sent to the address in the datebase...

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