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Denver Broncosの直筆サイン入り写真 (7 / 13ページ):

Peyton Manning Success (Denver Broncos) - 2014年3月5日
Sent to LOR and SI already signed by Archie to Peyton Manning - c/o Denver Broncos Football Club c/o Denver Broncos Football Club, Englewood, CO, USA 80112 on 1-20-14. Received signed SI on 3-4-14 - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Steve Atwater (former Denver Broncos FS) RTS - 2014年2月4日
On 11/11/13 I sent Mr. Steve Atwater 2 football cards, a L.O.R. and a S.A.S.E. using the address in the database. Unfortunately, on 11/20/13 I received a RTS: "Undeliverable as Addressed".

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Peyton Manning Success (Denver Broncos) - 2013年12月26日
Sent 11/04/2013 Received 12/26/2013 I sent an 8x10 photo, letter and SASE to : Peyton Manning Denver Broncos 13655 Broncos Parkway Englewood, CO 80112 USA And received my photo back signed and personalized <img src= - -

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John Elway Success!!!! (Denver Broncos) - 2013年12月10日
Woo Hoo!!! All Time Favorite Player! Sent: 11/9/13 Received: 12/9/13 - Sent 2 pics and a SASE, received in a different envelope with a signed letter and another signed pic. Address: John Elway Denver Broncos 13655 Broncos Parkway Englewood, CO 80112 This is the first letter Ive gotten back. Over the last 2 months, Ive gotten back a lot of pictures that Ive sent out for my fiance. Weve been going through some rough health issues over the last year and a half, and I decided to reach out to a wide variety of athletes, celebrities, politicians, etc. to see if they would want to try and lift her spirits. I have been extremely grateful for the responses I have gotten and the thrill of watching her check the mail everyday has not only made her more happy lately, but it has definitely improved our entire familys overall morale. Ive bee collecting all of the images on a tumblr site. If youd like to check them out click the link! http://teamalexko.tumblr.com/

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Peyton Manning Success (Denver Broncos) - 2013年12月6日
Ive seen all of the recent sucesses from Peyton Manning so I figured Id give him a shot. I was honestly kind of surprised when I got this back because I know he can be pretty hit or miss and I had a failure from him last year. It looks real to me...it looks very similar to other successes Ive seen from him. It is definitely not an autopen...the ink trails off on the "M" and the "g", theres a slight smuge on the "M" and the ink is pooled a little on the "B" in Broncos indentation. I know this isnt really the greatest picture but this is a hard card to take a picture of since its so reflective. Sent: 10/21/13 Received: 12/5/13 Sent to: Peyton Manning c/o Denver Broncos Football Club 13655 Broncos Parkway Englewood, CO 80112 -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Lionel Richie Success (Until January 19, 2025)
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