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Denver Nuggetsの直筆サイン入り写真 (3 / 4ページ):

Ty Lawson Denver Nuggets Success!!! - 2013年9月25日
I sent Ty 2 4x6 photos 3 months ago received them back signed last Saturday signed in black!! Used Denver nuggets address in data. - - - Thanks Ty!

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Tyler Lawson (Denver Nuggets) - 2013年9月17日
Sent him a trading card on 3-2-13 and got it back signed on 4-2-13. Ty Lawson c/o Denver Nuggets Pepsi Center 1000 Chopper Circle Denver, CO 80204

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Kenneth Faried TTM Denver Nuggets Star!!! - 2013年7月1日
got a sick ttm from Denver Nuggets Star Kenneth Faried! Sent: 3/20/13 Received: 4/1/13 Check out my success on youtube! If you enjoy the video give it a like and feel free to leave a comment on youtube thanks! [youtubeFTLdph3KoB8[/youtube

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Kenneth Faried Success (Denver Nuggets) - 2013年3月25日
Got both of my custom cards back and signed by Kenneth Faried today. Sent: 3/12/2013 Recieved: 3/25/2013 13 Days Address: Kenneth Faried c/o Denver Nuggets 1000 Chopper Circle Denver, CO 80204

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Ty Lawson (Denver Nuggets/UNC) - 2013年3月13日
Ty Lawson (Denver Nuggets/UNC) Mailed: 12/10/12 (2) 5x7 23 Day Turnaround Received: 1/2/13 Not Labron & not Kobe but Ty Lawson, returned both pic AP. If you send out an AP and you want to fool the fans then only send one of the APs back. Send both of them back is a dead give away. Used Danver Nuggets address in database -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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