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Dermot O'Learyの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 3ページ):

Dermot O'Leary Success! - 2013年11月2日
Sent A a letter about 2 weeks ago to his Managment Received 2 signed photos in my SASE Uploaded with

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Dermot O'Leary success - 2013年7月21日
I sent a letter and SAE to Dermot as well as 4 others in one envelope on: 15th July 2013, and yesterday I recieved this signed photo back. address I used was: John Noel Management, Block B, Imperial Works, Perren Street, London NW5 3ED Here is the pic:

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Caroline Flack & Dermot O'Leary Success :) - 2013年5月16日
[i //www.fanmail.biz/mboard/images/smilies/icon_smile.gif"> So I sent an LOR & SASE to John Noel Management requesting both Caroline Flack & Dermot O’Leary's autograph's on May 7th 2013, I received both autographs in my SASE as requested on May 13th 2013 Address used, John Noel Management, Block B, Imperial Works, Perren Street, London, NW5 3ED UK. Caroline Flack Autograph - Dermot O’Leary Autograph -[/color[/i [i //www.fanmail.biz/mboard/images/smilies/ugotmail.gif">

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Dermot O'Leary & Caroline Flack - success - 2012年10月20日
Another success I received recently but couldnt be bothered to upload ;) Sent: LOR, SSAE When: late September 2012 Received: a signed photo from Dermot O'Leary, and a signed photo from Caroline Flack When: 12th October 2012 Dermot O'Leary: Caroline Flack: Address Used: John Noel Management Block B Imperial Works Perren Street London NW5 3ED Really happy with this success!

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Dermot O'Leary, Caroline Flack and Matthew Wright Success. - 2012年9月11日
[size=150HEY GUYS . [/size ON [color=#FF0000John Noel Management Block B Imperial Works Perren Street London NW5 3ED[/color TODAY 11/9/2012 I RECIEVED: 1 AUTHENTIC 6x4 PHOTO OF DERMOT O'LEARY: 1 AUTHENTIC 6x4 PHOTO OF CAROLINE FLACK: 1 AUTHENTIC 8x6 PHOTO OF MATTHEW WRIGHT: ENVELOPE: [size=150 THANKS FANMAIL AND JOHN NOEL MANAGEMENT . [/size

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