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Deron Williamsの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

About 10 days ago I sent an E-mail to Deron Williams foundation asking for an autographed card. Today I got it! <img src= Photo: - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures Please like my page: https://www.facebook.com/autostocri?ref_type=bookmark

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Deron Williams Success - 2014年5月2日
I emailed Derons charity on 3/31/14 and received a 4x6 today on 5/1/14. Awesome guy! Judging from the pen stroke, this is definitely not PP or AP. Signed in silver, very happy, thank you Deron! Email: info at pointofhopefoundation.org Charitys address: Deron Williams Point of Hope Foundation P.O. Box 270 Draper, UT 84020 USA Photo: - Envelope: -

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Deron Williams Email Success - 2014年3月28日
On 2/18/14 I sent an email request to Deron Williams Foundation and on 3/26/14 I received a signed 4x6 in the mail. It came in an unmarked white envelope postmarked from Salt Lake City. Sent request to: Info at pointofhopefoundation.org - Uploaded with ###://surfmypictures.com:surfmypictures

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Deron Williams (Brooklyn Nets Guard) Success - 2014年1月31日
I sent 3 cards to: Deron Williams C/O Brooklyn Nets 620 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11217 USA I got all three signed, postmarked from Salt Lake City, UT :razz: Will post pics later, I have school.

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Deron Williams success - 2013年12月28日
Very happy with this success and it's my first Basketball success! Contacted his management a few weeks back and they said they would send me spmething out as I live overseas. Recieved a very nice 10x8 photo signed along with a management business card and a random piece of paper blank. Unfortunatly I can't add any photos at the moment as I'm waiting on a new computer to arrive.

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