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Desmond Howardの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 3ページ):

NFL/NCAA - Desmond Howard Success - 2024年7月20日
Sent two 8x10's to address below on 5/4/24 and received one back signed on 6/29/24. Desmond Howard ESPN Plaza. 935 Middle St. Bristol, CT 06010

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Desmond Howard Success! - 2024年6月20日
I sent this card around 4 months ago and received it back today. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the envelope. The address was: Desmond Howard ESPN, Inc. ESPN Plaza 935 Middle Street Bristol, CT 06010-100 http://surfmypictures.com/image/e559cd0a363ec5a0/cytmy.html

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Desmond Howard (NCAA) Success - 2024年2月15日
[youtubepM-AsxJA0_c[/youtube Desmond Howard ESPN Plaza 935 Middle St. Bristol, CT 06010 This appears at 22:45 in the video. He signed a video game manual.

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Desmond Howard Former NFL WR/RS SUCCESS - 2021年1月3日
Sent a LOR, a SASE, and 3 cards ('05 Topps All American, '96 Upper Deck, and '94 Upper Deck Electric). Received all 3 cards back signed in blue ink with each of his jersey numbers written under his signatures (21, 81, 80). 185 day turnaround. Sent: 07/01/20 Received: 01/02/21 Address used: Desmond Howard c/o ESPN, Inc. ESPN Plaza 935 Middle St Bristol, CT 06010-1000 http://surfmypictures.com/image/791eb1b406a7a79f/4p3mw.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures http://surfmypictures.com/image/791eb1b406a7a79f/v37t5.html Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures

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Desmond Howard (Super Bowl XXXI MVP) Success - 2020年6月19日
I wrote to Mr. Howard on 2/22/2020, sending him two 4x6 photos, LOR & SASE. On 6/18/2020 (118 days total), I received both photos back signed. The address I used: Desmond Howard c/o ESPN Plaza 935 Middle Street Bristol, CT 06010

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