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Detlef Schrempfの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Detlef Schrempf...Success - 2012年9月25日
Hi, I had a success for Detlef Schrempf, sent two cards on 5-24-12, received both back signed on 9-24-12. Sent to: Detlef Schrempf Foundation 1904 Third Ave., Suite. 339 Seattle, WA 98101 Thanks!

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Detlef Schrempf FAIL?!?! - 2012年9月24日
got back former german NBA player Detlef Schrempf back today, was so psyched then opened the envelope to find out he returned my cards unsigned. This is highly unusual as he is typically a good signer. I'll try him again the address i used was his foundation address: 1904 Third Ave Suite 339 Seattle, WA 98101

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Detlef Schrempf - NBA PLAYER - SUCCESS - 2012年5月25日
Date Send: 18/03/2012 Date Received: 25/05/2012 Sent : 2 cards UPPER DECK + LETTRE + ENVELOPPE RETURN whith no stamp Received : MY 2 cards signed whith my ENVELOPPE RETURN It is about an original autograph on a photo. I compared the autograph with the other members and autographs are any various. Have a look here : www.mp22.book.fr ----------- TAKE TIME TO LOOK AT MY PHOTOS AND LEAVE I A SMALL MESSAGE. THANK YOU. KISSES IN YOU ALL. Discover my FACEBOOK page with all my autographs : www.facebook.com/pages/Le-monde-des-aut ... 8759012214 - FAN MAIL : Detlef Schrempf Detlef Schrempf Foundation 1904 Third Avenue - Suite 339 Seattle, WA 98101 USA

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