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Dewey Martinの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 2ページ):

Dewey Martin Success # 2 - 2013年7月13日
Sent TZ Card, LOR and SASE on 7/2 Received on 7/12 Used address iN Database

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Dewey Martin, Ann Blyth, Vera Miles Successes! - 2013年2月13日
On January 28, 2013, I sent letters, autograph requests and SASEs to five classic actors who have guest-starred in the old "Twilight Zone" series. I sent them each a 5x7 custom Twilight Zone photo that I created. I used the addresses in the data base. Over the past few days, I have received 3 of them back so far!!! They are: Dewey Martin: received Feb. 6, 2013: Ann Blyth: received Feb 8, 2013: Vera Miles: received Feb. 11, 2013: - The wavy lines are caused from my scanner. They are not on the actual photos. Please Note: I think Dewey Martin has moved and has a new address. I used the address in the database. When I got my reply, I noticed he put a return label on my SASE and it is a different address than the one used in the database, so Im assuming he moved. Maybe my letter was forwarded to his new address. Dewey Martin 1821 W. Santa Cruz St. San Pedro, CA 90732-2727 -

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Dewey Martin Success!!! Twilight Zone - 2011年5月18日
Sent: 5/10/2011 Received: 5/17/2011 Twilight Zone (TV series) Corey – I Shot an Arrow into the Air (1960) … Corey Dewey Martin 1430 Stonewood Court San Pedro, CA 90732 Signed 4/4 Autographs: -

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