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Diana Vickersの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Diana Vickers Success - 2014年8月15日
Sent: LOR, SASE and 1 Photo Address: c/o Modest! Management, The Matrix Complex, 91 Peterborough Rd, London, SW6 3BU, UK Received: My Photo back signed in my SASE Time Taken: 10 Months (November 13th 2013 - August 15th 2014) Photo:

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Diana Vickers Success!!! - 2011年11月11日
Sent: 18th October 2011 Recieved: 4th November 2011 Sent: Letter in my ssae and a Questionnaire Recieved: Signed and personalised picture Picture: http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... C11475.jpg Envelope: http://i1200.photobucket.com/albums/bb3 ... C11476.jpg Sent to address in database! <img src= Really happy as I loved her on The X Factor....

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Diana Vickers Success :D - 2011年10月3日
[i //www.fanmail.biz/mboard/images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif"> really happy that today i got Diana Vickers autograph, just about 2 or 3 weeks ago i sent her LOR, SASE, 1 Photo and album cover, today i received album cover back, did'nt get photo back, but i don't mind used address in database, Diana Vickers Modest! Management The Matrix Complex 91 Peterborough Rd London, SW6 3BU UK.[/color[/i [i //www.fanmail.biz/mboard/images/smilies/ugotmail.gif"> [i //www.fanmail.biz/mboard/images/smilies/ugotmail.gif">

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Diana Vickers SUCCESS - 2011年9月18日
Sent 15/8/11: LOR, SAE, £1 for postage. Received 8/9/11: 2 signed and personalised A4 pictures in a different envelope to the one sent. Took just over 3 weeks. DELIGHTED with this success! She was so quick to reply and the photos are gorgeous Sadly they were a bit bent in the post but who cares.. My friend will be so happy with this surprise for her birthday!

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Diana Vickers Success! - 2011年9月4日
I sent a letter, and a photo, and my Album Cover with an SAE in around May/June. I received my photo back, signed, the album cover signed personally, and an A4 sized photograph which had been signed personally! I sent it to; Diana Vickers c/o Modest Management The Matrix Complex 91 Peterborough Road London SW6 3BU -

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