Diane Bakerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):
Diane Baker PP - 2023年10月17日 Sent a LOR, pic, and SASE to Diane Baker. Received my pic back unsigned along with another pic that appears to be a photocopy (PP). |
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Diane Baker Success! - 2019年11月8日 The second fan letter I ever sent was to Diane Baker. I am by no mean an autograph collector, but I love old cinema, especially the 60s, and felt in love with Diane Baker in the movie Strait-Jacket. I live in Canada so I used four USA Forever Stamps on the return envelope and added a 20$ bill (US) in a small envelope. I sent the letter on September 11th and got an answer today (November 7th), with the photo signed in my return envelope. She didn't sign it to my name but I don't mind much, I am pretty happy I got an answer at all, that's always very nice as celebrities don't own us anything IMO.
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Diane Baker Success - 2019年7月22日 I wrote to Ms. Baker on 06/28/2019 and received a reply on 07/22/2019
Diane Baker
Baker Street Entertainment
2733 Outpost Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90068-2061
http://surfmypictures.com/image/8db7a654c6310b48/zzswo.html | |
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Diane Baker Box Closed - 2019年6月30日 I wrote to Ms. Baker on 06/05/2019 and my envelope was returned on 06/28/2019
Diane Baker
Baker Street Entertainment
P.O. Box 388
Los Angeles, CA 90078
Marked as Box Closed
Onto the next address on my list | |
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Diane Baker Personalized success X 4 - 2018年12月11日 sent 4 photo's, LOR, and SASE 14.05.16.
Diane Baker
Baker Street Entertainment
2733 Outpost Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90068-2061
Received 11.12.18.
4 signed and Personalized
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