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Diarmuid Mac an Adhastairの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Diarmuid Mac An Adhastair (Ros Na Rún) Success! - 2012年11月24日
Diarmuid Mac An Adhastair is an Irish actor, best known for Irish language acting roles. He is best known for his role as Seamus O' Cathain in the Irish-language soap drama Ros Na Rún, broadcast on Ireland's TG4. His character, Seamus, is a local salmon poacher and poitin maker. He lives with his brother, Cóilin in a small house in the village of Ros Na Rún. He is also a regular at the local pub, Tigh Taidhg, run by local villain Tadhg. Seamus, like many old aged Irishmen, always ends his working day with a nice pint of stout. Sent Mr. Mac An Adhastair 1 LOR and 1 photo on 14/11/2012. On 22/11/2012, I received my photo signed and dedicated - in Irish. The letter I wrote to Mr Mac An Adhastair (and subsequent reply I received) was the first letter I ever wrote in a language other than English. (even though I wrote to a former Miss France in French and also wrote an English version of that letter.) Address used was: Diarmuid Mac An Adhastair c/o Ros Na Rún Eo Teilifis, An Chuasnóg, Baile Árd, Spiddal, Co Galway, Ireland No scanner.

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