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Dick Cheneyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Dick Cheney RTS - 2018年3月10日
Got an RTS "Not deliverable as addresses" from: Dick Cheney American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research 1150 17th St. NW Washington, DC 20036 Is there a better address for this person? I don't upload scans/photos for RTS. Check out my successes at

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Dick Cheney RTS - 2018年2月24日
Got a RTS from: Dick Cheney American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research 1150 17th St. N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Not deliverable/unable to forward. Anybody have an address?

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Dick Cheney Success - 2018年2月2日
I received my photo signed by politician, Dick Cheney, who served as the Vice President of the United States from 2001-2009. Great success! Sent: 5/25/17 Received: 11/10/17 Sent to: Mr. Dick Cheney C/O American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research 1150 Seventeenth St NW Washington, DC 20036 http://surfmypictures.com/image/a82163e ... r6zwe.html

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Vice President Dick Cheney Success - 2017年3月13日
Sent: LOR, book and SASE on 6/21/16 Received: Book personalized, inscribed and signed on 3/13/17 Address used: Dick Cheney American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research 1150 Seventeenth Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20036

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Vice President Dick Cheney SUCCESS!! - 2016年2月29日
Back in October 2015 I mailed two photos to Dick Cheney to the AEI Enterprises Institute address and today by luck I got them both signed by the former Vice President. Great success! Got February 29, 2016.

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