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Dirk Benedictの直筆サイン入り写真 (5 / 5ページ):

Dirk Benedict (A-Team, Battlestar Galactica) Success! x2 - 2011年10月17日
About 3/4 months ago I sent Dirk Benedict 2 8x10 photos, LOR and SASE and today I received my photos back signed and personalised with a great inscription! On the black and white photo with the silver sharpie it says "Thanks for noticing?" - is that a quote from a film or something or is that relating to my letter maybe? Also at the bottom it reads "Peter-A-?" - anyone know what it says and what it means? Thanks! Im really happy with this success and theyre great photos. I rarely send 8x10 photos so Im really happy! I used the address in the database and the photos are below! 8)<!-- s8) --> 

Address used:
Dirk Benedict
c/o Tenderfoot Enterprises, Inc.
PO Box 634
Bigfork, MT 59911-0634

photo 1
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photo 2
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Dirk Benedict success x 2 - 2011年10月15日
And another for my collection of childhood heroes!! On 8/24/11, sent SASE, LOR, and 2 color printouts to: Dirk Benedict c/o Tenderfoot Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 634 Bigfork, MT 59911-0634 Today, RCVD both pics back signed, 1 dedicated: - - Took me some time to figure out that the symbols he wrote on both were a star and a $...for Starbuck. <img src=

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Dirk Benedict - 2011年8月22日
Send on 09/08/11 lor , sase and photo to mr.Benedict . On 22/08/11 I recieved my photo signed and dedicated <img src= Sadly enough my photo is ripped <img src= Used address in database <img src= Dirk Benedict Tenderfoot Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 634 Bigfork, MT 59911-0634 USA photo : -

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Dirk Benedict success - 2011年7月31日
Mailed LOR, photo and SASE on 7/21/11. Received personalized photo back on 7/30/11. Address used: Dirk Benedict c/o Tenderfoot Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 634 Bigfork, MT 59911-0634 (no return address was placed on the SASE back...sorry) - -

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Dirk Benedict Success - 2011年7月11日
Sent Out: 2 Pictures around 1/03/2011 (Forgot to write it down) Received: Both pictures signed (Around 28/06/2011) Adress Used: C/O Tenderfoot Enterprises, Inc; PO BOX 634; Bigfork, MT 59911-0634; USA - - - Are these authentic? And what does the text say on the first picture?

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