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Dixie Carterの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Dixie Carter Personalized Success - 2014年11月18日
Date Sent Out: March 30, 2014 Date Received: November 17, 2014 Wait Time: 232 Days Address Used: c/o TNA Wrestling 209 10th Avenue South Suite 302 Nashville, TN 37210 Sent Out: Letter/SASE Got Back: An 8x10 CISP personalized to me by the hot and stunning Dixie Carter in my SASE -

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TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter Success - 2012年8月6日
after a 2 weeks of not having mail. I sent a letter of request 8 months ago to TNA wrestling president Dixie Carter and today 8 months later 8/6/12 i get a personalized TNA wrestling photo signed by TNA president Dixie Carter. i was surprised that something came back from TNA wrestling. bad thing was, they didnt provide enough postage so i had to pay $1.50 for postage which is fine. no big deal. at least TNA wrestling sends things to the fans. Sent a letter of request January 6, 2012 got it back today 8/6/12 used the address in the data base wait time 8 months Sorry no scans available for the envelope and photo at this time Recent TTM Success: Dixie Carter (TNA Wrestling president)

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Dixie Carter TNA success! - 2012年5月14日
Sent: 4/16/12 ~ Received: 5/11/12…. 25 days. Sent LOR, 2 photos (4x6), SASE. Got back both photos signed and she signed “thanks greg, Dixie” on the index card I included as well. Dixie Carter TNA Entertainment, Llc. 209 10th Avenue South Suite 302 Nashville, TN 37203 I really liked getting these back especially when they include a little note. Seems like she appreciated it. Thanks fanmail and Ms. Carter! - -

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Dixie Carter (TNA owner) - 2012年3月19日
Sent this babe 1 photo of herself back on 1-30-12 and got it back today, 3-19-12. Here's the addy I used: Dixie Carter c/o TNA Wrestling, LLC 209 10th Avenue South Suite 302 Nashville, TN 37210

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