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Dolores Blackの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Dolores Black - 2014年5月20日
Sent a SASE to Ms. Black 4/28. Received it back today.Anyone that is collecting needs to get her. She sewed the flag that is on the moon. Really nice women. Used the address in Fanmail.

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Dolores Black (Sewed the Flag Taken to the Moon) Success! - 2014年4月19日
Dolores Black Sewed the flag that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin took to the moon. Dolores Black P.O. Box 6431 Bradenton, FL 34281-6431 USA Took About 1 Month. I provided the photo on the right, she included the photo on the left. -

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Dolores Black Success! - 2013年3月8日
I sent a LOR, SASE, and index card to Dolores Black, who is widely believed to be the seamstress of the flag the U.S. put on the moon. There is controversy, but still awesome! Address in database. Thanks Delores, and fanmail.biz! -

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Dolores Black Fast Success!! (Sewed the flag on the moon) - 2011年11月4日
Dolores Black Success. it took about 9 days, and she signed my 2 index cards. her signature was very shaky, and i really apreciate her taking the time to sign for me! i used the address in the database

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Dolores Black - 2011年8月14日
Sent SASE, LOR and index card to the address in the database about 2 weeks ago and on 8-12-11 I received back my index card in my SASE signed.

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