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Donna Murphyの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Donna Murphy (Actress) Success - 2017年9月22日
Sent: 6/08/2017 3 photos Received: 9/22/2017 everything back signed!! Used address in the database Donna Murphy Brookside Artist Management 250 West 57th Street Suite 1820 New York, NY 10107 USA

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Donna Murphy Success - 2015年8月12日
Sent: LoR, SASE, 3 4x6 photos Received: 3 4x6 photos signed. 2 photos are unfortunately smudged, but I love her inscription on the top. <img src= Sent: June 24, 2015 Received: August 11, 2015 Address Used: Donna Murphy Brookside Artist Management 250 West 57th Street, Suite 2303 New York, NY 10019 USA

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donna murphy win - 2011年12月22日
Donna Murphy Innovative Artists L.A. 1505 10th Street Santa Monica, CA 90401 USA 26th june 2011 - 21 dec 2011 Ms Murphy has starred as picards love interest in star trek insurrection and more recently the evil witch in disneys tangled. I sent her a lame index card and c5 envelope and she was kind enough to post back a personally signed 8x 10 colour pic and envelope as said wicked witch at her own expsense. What a great xmas gift and wonderful lady. Sorry, no scanner.

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