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Doug Jonesの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 2ページ):

Doug Jones (former Alabama Senator) SUCCESS! - 2022年11月28日
I sent a letter, SASE and 4x6 photo on October 1st and today I received a signed 8x10 along with a note! Address used: Mr. Doug Jones 3424 Westbury Rd. Mountain Brk, AL 35223

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Doug JONES (MLB) - 2021年2月25日
Doug JONES 4141 W. Camino Del Norte Tucson, AZ 85742 Sent 02/05/2021 Rec 02/25/2021 Signed 5 TC, 1 AC, Ace of Spades http://surfmypictures.com/image/a53f48beeed39979/inejv.html

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MLB Doug Jones SUCCESS + EXTRA! 1/2/20 - 2020年1月3日
Sent LOR, SASE, 92 Score, and 93 Donruss cards on 12/3/19 to: Doug Jones 4141 W. Camino Del Norte Tucson, AZ 85742. Got response 1/2/20 (31 days), both cards returned, signed in blue with "PTL" under his signature. Also included a signed testimonial card. Thanks Mr. Jones!

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MLB Doug Jones Success (Grand Junction Rockies) - 2017年9月30日
Sent a LOR, SASE, and 8 TCs to : Douglas Jones c/o Grand Junction Rockies Suplizio Field 1315 North Avenue Grand Junction, CO 81501 Sent : 7/17/17 Received : 9/30/17 Envelope wasn't stamped.

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Doug Jones RTS "Silver Surfer" - 2016年4月20日
Hello I send my "Fantastic 4 Rise of silver Surfur DVD cover to actor Doug Jones and came back as an Return to Sender to the address in the database . I would like to have him he would be cool I had the chance one year to meet him at a convention but did not get to go so I thought I would do him through the mail. Doug Jones Brady , Brannon , & Rich Talent 5670 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 820 Los Angeles , CA 90036 USA if you can add a new address to the database I will try it right away .

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

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Helen Worth Rts
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Former Mlb Joe Morgan (Walpole Joe, Born 1930) Success
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Former Mlb Mike Hartley Success
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Scott Bailes Mlb Success
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Larry Andersen Mlb Success
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Voice Actor H. Jon Benjamin Success
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Former Mlb Jaime Cocanower Success
2025年3月 8日



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