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Drew Seeleyの直筆サイン入り写真 (11 / 12ページ):

Drew Seeley Success! (x3) - 2011年9月3日
I`ve send Drew a letter on: 26.07.2011 [germany<!-- s[germany --> 
and recreived 3 autographs on: 31.08.2011  <!-- s[us --><img src= --><img src=

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Drew Seeley GREAT success! :D - 2011年8月29日
I am so happy i got my picture from drew seeley back PLUS another he sent! <img src= Sent : July 29 2011 (letter, SASE, picture) Received: August 29 2011 (2 pictures!) Address used: Drew Seeley Box 250 522 South Hunt Club Blvd Apopka, FL 32703 USA Are these Authentic autographs?? - -

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Drew Seeley Email SUCCESS. - 2011年7月25日
Emailed Drew On the 26th June 2011, I sent a letter and then asked if i could maybe have an autograph but said it was ok if not. I then received a personalized photo between 16th July - 23rd July (Im not sure what day as i was on holiday). Emailed Used : The reason i emailed instead of writing a letter was because i cant get any USA Stamps at the minute as no one is selling them. But Drew was awesome to send me it even tho all i sent was an email. So Happy with this success i Love Drew! : Would love your opinions on if its real or not : Pictures Below - The Photo - The Envelope -

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First Amazing Drew Seeley Success! :DDD - 2011年6月22日
I sent Drew Seeley a letter last April 28, 2011. I got a mail from him yesterday, June 21, 2011! Hes so kind, he paid for the postage! Here: 2 autographed picture of him. -

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Drew Seeley Success x2 - 2011年6月21日
Address used: Drew Seeley PO Box 250 522 South Hunt Club Blvd Apopka, FL 32703 Friday the 3rd sent a SAE and a letter to drew on Friday the 17th i recieved 2 autographs! - -

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