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Dule Hillの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Dule Hill Success! - 2014年1月11日
Hello, everyone. This is a really late post but last year on May 17th, 2012 i sent a letter to Dule Hill (from USA's Psych), and after about a year later i got the letter back with the photo signed, on July 18th 2013. I used this address: Dule Hill ICM Partners 10250 Constellation Blvd 9th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90067-6209 USA

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Dule Hill RTS Disappointed - 2012年11月17日
i attempted to send a Letter of request to dule hill on october 1st and today i got back a RTS on my letter. It said unable to forwarded. i used the fan mail address in the data base, but i guess i wont be hearing back from him anytime soon. Sorry no scans available for the envelope at this time Used the washington square arts address and got back the rts on my letter

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Dule Hill Success! - 2012年10月18日
I sent a fan mail letter last October, and received a signed autograph a few days ago (10/11/2012). Oh my gosh it took so long to receive I actually forgot about it. I also posted the photo on Twitter and tagged his Twitter and he replied! <img src= Sent to: Dule Hill No Longer Valid Me & the autograph -

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Dule Hill Success - 2012年10月13日
I sent a LOR, Photo and SASE to Dule Hill on 05.20.11 and received a response on 10.13.12. I received his own photo mailed to me in my SASE. I was surprised to receive a response since its been over a year, but was excited to receive something back from him. Address: Washington Square Arts, The Lot Writers Building, Suite 197 1041 North Formosa Avenue West Hollywood, CA 90046 USA Photo: - Envelope: -

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dule hill sucess - 2012年10月9日
i sent sase letter and index card on 4-12-2012 recived a signed pic on 10-8-2012 address used dule hill washington square arts the lot writers building room 305 1041 north formosa ave west hollywood cal 90046 pic on facebook page

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