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Earl Hamnerの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Earl Hamner, Jr. (The Waltons) SUCCESS! - 2013年11月24日
On 10/24/13, I wrote Earl Hamner, Jr., who created the US television classic "The Waltons". In my TTM request, I sent SSAE and a single 3x5 for signing. Due to late mail delivery yesterday, I didn't see his reply until 11/24/13. My 3x5 read "To Pat- Warmest Walton Wishes! Earl JHamner, Jr." His address is in the fanmail.biz database, and is below. Earl Hamner, Jr. c/o Sourcebooks, Inc. 1935 Brookdale Rd., ste. 139 Naperville, IL 60533

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Earl hamner ( from the waltons - 2011年9月17日
Sent him a fan letter and photo. Took about 2 weeks . Also sent me one of the whole family too. I don't like more then a 2 hours drive from VA. Been to the Blueridge Mt's many times. It is soooooooooo Beautiful there. Anyway this is the address I used.....................................Earl Hamner 11575 Amanda Drive Studio City, CA 91604 USA AS OF 9 / 17/2011b got it in the and personally signed to me I am in the process now of buying the complete walton seasons little at a time . just love that show . GOOD LUCK

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