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Ed Hochuliの直筆サイン入り写真 (2 / 4ページ):

Ed Hochuli Email Success (NFL Ref) - 2016年3月19日
Emailed Mr. Hochuli (obtained email from previous success posting on this site) and on 3/19/16 received autographed photo via USPS. Nice!

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Ed Hochuli EMAIL Success! - 2016年3月15日
I wrote an email to Ed Houchuli (http://www.jshfirm.com/EdwardGHochuli) asking for an autograph for my brother Benny, who looks up to Ed, on March 12. Today, March 15, I received a personalized autograph for him in the mail! I'm still in shock that he send it in three days! Anyway, scans of the autograph and envelope are below. <img src=

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Ed Hochuli (NFL Ref) Email Success - 2015年6月15日
Used to use fanmail.biz back in ~2006-2008, but got away from TTM. Decided to get back into it. Sent email on 6/4/15 to ehochuli AT jshfirm DOT com Received a 5x8.5" photo on 6/12/15 from Mr. Hochuli after contacting him. Also got a nice personalized email from Mr. Hochuli within 20 minutes of contacting him. Thanks Mr. Hochuli! https://flic.kr/p/uqmZxB

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Ed Hochuli NFL Referee e-mail - 2015年1月8日
After I read mid december here that you can request by e -mail [ugotmail at Ed Huchuli an autograph by mail I have done the same in the 2nd week of December <img src= . I got an e -mail [us<!-- s[us --> he sends me an autograph . This week, the hand-signed autograph then lay in my <!-- s[germany --><img src=http://www.jshfirm.com/EdwardGHochuli [us<!-- s[us --> 

Images from the autograph can be found on my Facebook page:
<!-- m --><a class=https://www.facebook.com/pages/Autogram ... 7897699576 - -

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Ed Hochuli Email Succsess - 2014年12月17日
I receive the below success. Email sent second week in December and receive back W/C 15th December 2014 Address: Email Address http://www.jshfirm.com/EdwardGHochuli Photo: - Please take a look at my page for other success and message me if would like any address. https://www.facebook.com/guysautographs

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