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Ed Westwickの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Ed Westwick (Gossip Girl) AMAZING Success! - 2011年5月31日
Hi! We are over the moon right now. We are very fans of Gossip Girl and we are trying to get all the autographs from the cast. We wrote Ed a lot of times: via Chalet Girl, via GossipGirl, via his agency in UK and via J Edgar. Today, we received the pic that we sent back signed and 2 beautiful promo pics of him from Gossip Girl ;). We think that he wrote us via J Edgar. We sent him a letter + pic + SAE and he sent us our pic back signed and he added two beautiful pics. He sent the letter in UK We are feeling that we are luckiest girls on Earth because we are having amazing successes ;) Sent: 02.21.11 Received: 05.31.11

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