Eddie Brindleの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):
Eddie Brindle understandable success - 2012年6月25日 I sent a letter asking some questions and SAE to Eddie on: 5th June 2012, and today I recieved a typed letter from his agency saying he is too busy to answer questions personally. in their envelope, they didnt return mine.
They also sent a picture that i sent him for signing, has been kept for him to sign.
address I used was:
Eddie Brindle,
c/o Bruno Kelly Ltd,
3rd Floor,
207, Regent Street,
Here is the pic: - |
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Eddie Brindle success - 2012年6月2日 I sent a letter and SAE to Eddie on: 21st May 2012, and today I recieved this signed photo back personalized. as the photo is bigger than the evelope I sent, he used a different envelope, and didnt return mine. still very happy
address I used was:
Eddie Brindle,
c/o Bruno Kelly Ltd,
3rd Floor,
207, Regent Street,
Here is the pic: - |  |
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