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Eddie Deezenの直筆サイン入り写真 (1 / 1ページ):

Eddie Deezen - Grease - Website Purchase - 2016年3月9日
Sent a payment to Eddie (Eugene in Grease, also from WarGames) via his website for a signed pic, as Grease is a bit of a classic, took about 3 weeks and cost the ludicrously low price of $8 inc p&p from the USofA. Link to picture [i(Admin, please don't change, alter or in any other way mess about with my link/pic, ta!)[/i: Link to envelope:

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Eddie Deezen email success!! - 2013年12月10日
Sent an email request to actor Eddie Deezen at his fan page and received a personalized 8x10 photo. Mr.Deezen is best known for playing "nerds" on such films as Grease and War Games. His fan page is http://www.eddiedeezen.com. He requests that you send $4 to cover return postage. You can also mail a request. Sent: November 2013 Received: December 6, 2013 Address provided on Web Site: Eddies Autograph C/O Acutech, Inc P.O. Box 21 Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 Return Address on envelope: Eddie Deezen 8149 Santa Monica Boulevard #316 West Hollywood, California 90046 -

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Eddie Deezen - comedy - 2012年12月8日
Name: Eddie Deezen Sent: september 2012 (letter) Received: october 2012 (photo + email) Address: 8149 Santa Monica Blvd. # 316 West Hollywood, California 90046 Usa email: info at eddiedeezen.com web: http://www.eddiedeezen.com Photo: -

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フィードバック (5分毎に更新した):

Eugene Mirman Success
Renewal Support For Hamster & Gretel Season 3
Priscilla Montgomery Clark - Munchkin Wizard Of Oz
Tyrees Allen Rts
Ilana Levine Rts
Vic Polizos Rts
Mikki Padilla Rts
Actress Terry Moore, Success
Tony Danza Rts
Tommy Chong Success!!!



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